How to Survive Being Stranded in Your Car in Winter; Ten Survival Tips for Winter
With winters getting more and more extreme each year, many people will find themselves in colder weather than they’re used to. However, when people are exposed to climates they’re not used to, the more likely accidents tend to happen. One of the worst mistakes to make is not being prepared for the winter storms. Whether you’re a pro at handling the snow and ice or you’re still a novice, people will make errors and end up in unfortunate situations. One of these situations is getting stuck in a remote location at night.
In a previous blog we refer you to what you should keep in your car during the winter months. Hopefully you found that informative. Now we would like to give you some tips on what to do in case you get stranded at night in the winter.
- Stick with your vehicle.
- You have a better chance of being found if you stay with your car. Plus, the vehicle will act as a shelter against the cold.
- Call for help.
- Even if it seems pointless, at least try to call authorities or loved ones. Or if you’re unsure if it’s an emergency, it’s recommended to call anyways.
- Make your car as visible as possible.
- Open the hood or tie bright coloured fabric to the antenna. This will increase your chances of being found. Turn on your hazard lights if you can or set out reflectors from your winter kit.
- Concentrate on keeping warm.
- Do light exercises to keep your circulation. Huddle with another person for warmth. It’s advised to use anything as extra layers, even your removable floor mats. You can also run the engine for 10 minutes every hour to heat the car as well, however, make sure the exhaust pipe is clear of snow, so you don’t get carbon monoxide poisoning.
- Drink plenty of water.
- If you keep yourself hydrated, you can avoid other potential health hazards of frigid temperatures. Remember, alcohol will dehydrate you and though it may make you feel warmer, it’s actually lowering your body temperature.
Hopefully you never have to use these tips but just in case, you should print out this page and keep it in your vehicle. Being prepared can make the difference.